Instructor-Led Courses

To find out if the courses fit your degree plan, talk to your coach!

What's the difference?

Most of the courses currently offered to Accelerated Pathways students are self-paced and self-directed. These self-paced courses provide a lot of freedom for Accelerated Pathways students, but that doesn't mean they fit every student's preferred learning style. We are excited to launch this new series of courses to expand the course titles offered as well as provide additional formats to match student preferences.

If you're looking for a little more support or a new course experience, talk to your coach to find out if the courses fit your degree plan. 

This new line of Instructor-led courses is designed to offer: 

  • A structured study schedule
  • A continuous feedback loop between facilitator and student
  • More interaction with other students in the course

Full Comparison

See the differences between self-paced and instructor-led courses

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Learn more about instructor-led courses, by watching this short overview video.

Available 2024 Courses

April 1st - May 26th

May 6th - June 30th

July 8th - September 1st

 Talk to your coach to find out if the courses fit your degree plan!